We thought we have seen everything, but we entered in a new dimension. Two of the most sulfurous poker amateurs made loud noise. The wealthy Bill Perkins and Dan Bilzerian, are betting friendly…for $600,000! The bet? Dan Bilzerian has to ride from Los Angeles to Las Vegas by bike and in less than 48 hours.

Some bettors are somehow nuts. And that’s the least we’d say about these two men…

Known for a long time thanks to their mischiefs and fortunes, Bill Perkins and Dan Bilzerian continue to get their selves talked about.

Bill Perkins, recognized poker player and powerful businessman, bets that Dan Bilzerian will not be capable of riding from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, in 48 hours and by bike.

Obviously, Dan, not worried at all, accepted. In case of success, he will win the cash otherwise Bill will.

It is worth knowing that the distance is 278 miles! But the most difficult here, is the path that Dan has to take, goes through the Death Valley. He will also have to get through several hills and the famous El Gajon that is located in the mountains of San Fernando and San Gabriel. Under the desert sun, it won’t be that easy…

Known for his appetite in money, women and weapons, Dan Bilzerian is a unique character. As the Nouvelobs shows us, he gets Instagram crazy each time he posts pictures of his undressed charming “friends”, showing proudly his weapons.

Amateur of illegal products and Viagra, he already had two cardiac arrests. He got back on track each time.

Now, the question is if he will come back alive from this journey…for $600,000 would you do it?