Loyalty program of the joa casino of Etretat

Benefit from numerous advantages in all the JOA casinos thanks to your JOA Club card.

The card is free and delivered within 5 minutes.

At the opening if your account, get free sport and horse riding bets on www.joa.fr.

Cumulate credits while playing at the slots, gaming tables, by betting on the online games website www.joa.fr, and by presenting your card during the payment of your bill at the restaurant and bar.

With your membership card, you benefit from free rounds at the slot machines and gaming tables as well as discounts or meals in the restaurants and bars of the JOA group.

Moreover, invitations will be sent to you during events (under eligibility conditions).

You don’t need you ID anymore! With you JOA Club card you get a direct access to the casino.


Learn more about: The games, Equipment and services, Hosting and shows, Restaurants and bars,
